Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Main Task- Research: Analysis of Questionnaire

Analysis of Questionnaire

Question 1 Gender:

Conclusion: I have covered two different genders which is good. I found that the majority of the people who took my questionnaire are female. This means that my magazine will be biased towards female readers.

Question 2 How old are you?

Conclusion After asking my target audience to fill in a questionnaire I found I had covered a vast amount of ages. However I found that most of the people who filled it in were aged between 14-17 years of age. This means that my results will be appropriate for that age group.

Question 3 Who is your favourite Artist/band/singer?

Conclusion Question 3 on my questionnaire has helped conclude two separate factors. My target audience filled in their favourite artists who will help me know which artist to use on my magazine. However it has also helped me conclude what main image I will use on my front cover, as the results show that most of my target audience’s favourite artist was a solo artist not a band.

Question 4 What three words do you associate with Pop music?

Conclusion After having my questionnaire filled in I found that a number of my target audience associated Pop with Dance, radio, chart and new. This means that I will try and make my magazine associate with those words.

Question 5 How much would you pay for a music magazine?

Conclusion After my target audience had filled in my questionnaire, I found that 14 out of the 20 people asked would pay £1.50-£2.50 for the magazine. This helps me conclude the price of my magazine as I will want my target audience to be able to afford it.

Question 6 What is your favourite colour?

Conclusion I found from the results of the filled in questionnaires that the majority of my target audience prefer the colours Pink and blue. This helps me conclude what colours I will use for my magazine to seem appealing for my target audience.

Question 7 How often do you buy a magazine?

Conclusion After analysing the results from the answered questionnaires, I found that 10 out of the 20 questionnaires bought a magazine monthly. This means that my magazine will be published monthly to appeal to the target audience.

Question 8 What do you enjoy about magazines?

Conclusion After getting my target audience to fill in the questionnaires, the majority of the results enjoyed seeing pictures in magazines and interviews. This help same conclude that my magazine will have pictures and interviews in it to appeal.

Question 9 What do you not enjoy about magazines?

Conclusion From the results, I found that most of my target audience that filled in the questionnaire did not enjoy adverts, boring articles, dull colours and too much text in magazines. I will avoid these in my magazine to appeal to the target audience.

Question 10 Are you currently reading a magazine?

Conclusion All of the people who answered my questionnaire said that they are not currently reading a magazine. This is good as it means that there is a space in the market for the publication of my magazine for my target audience.

Question 11 If yes, what is the name?

Conclusion This question was not answered by any of the target audience because none of them chose yes for the question before.

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